Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Board receive financial remuneration?
No. A non-profit corporation does not allow for Board members to be paid unless
they are performing administrative or similar tasks, and then under strict guidelines.
How many members will be on the Board?
The ultimate decision will be made by the Board. We anticipate an initial Board of eight.
Will there be an honorary/Advisory Board?
Yes. And each Award recipient will have a special category in the organization.
Who is the Executive Director?
Gary Young
Who should receive the award?
To be announced, but we hope to include a secondary school teacher; a college professor;
people in the community, among others.
How many Lifetime Achievement awards will be given each year?
This is according to the discretion of the Board, but the goal is between six and twelve.
Where should the ceremony be held?
The Beverly Hills Hotel or the equivalent.
What else should happen at the ceremony?
A notable MC; invitations for the past year’s financial aid recipients; auction; entertainment.
Which corporations seem likely to respond?
In discussion with corporations now. Your input is invited.